Saturday, November 14, 2009

Miscellaneous and New Paradigm Shift

Miscellaneous and New Paradigm shift


Is work to earn a living or is for fun/love?
In general work is for a living for the poor and the middle class but fun for the rich and upper middle class! Why is it so? When you do something with an expected outcome and if what you do promises or gives or will give what you expect in the near reasonable future then you love doing that but if you do something with an expected outcome and if what you do DOES NOT promises or DOES NOT GIVE or WILL NOT GIVE what you expect in the near reasonable future then you DO NOT LOVE doing that! Most often the poor and middle class have to do a job to have a living so they do not love what they do.
Before technology can produce thing in mass and in excess humans worked to get food, shelter etc so work was for a living but as with modern technology we still have retained the concept of work to earn a living. With technology when we can produce in excess than what we need with less physical intervention do we still have to work for a living?

Can we make work as fun by providing the basic needs to everyone and let people choose what they want to work in and for less number of mandatory work hours so work becomes fun for the poor and middle class also rather than the current economy in which only the rich and upper middle class can choose to work for fun/love?



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